Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit
SOP Technologies is proud to have supported the Biscayne Bay Marine Health Inaugural Summit (BBMHS)
Date & Time: Wed, June 28, 2017 | 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM EDT
Location: Miami, FL: Florida International University Biscayne Bay Campus
Summary Recommendations (from the Summit Report)
Develop a new 10-Year Action Plan
Integrate, more actively support and implement activities of the Biscayne Bay Restoration Initiative and NOAA’s Florida Marine Debris Guidance Plan as part of a new 10-Year Action Plan;
Develop a research agenda to assess outcomes and support adaptive management of 10-Year Action Plan, including more comprehensive water quality monitoring and assessment;
Develop and implement communication and public outreach campaigns as part of a new 10-Year Action Plan, including sustained coordination and information exchange through the implementation of annual summits;
Improve the health of the Bay and experience for visitors, tourists and residents alike through the implementation of important tools such as ecosystem restoration and coastal ecosystem management. Ecotechnological remediation also shows great promise to manage stormwater and minimize potential for pollutants released into Bay. i.e. identify problem areas and apply eco-technological remediation at pilot scale;
Develop policies and incentives to sustain the health of the Bay and develop a report card for key indicators of Bay health, including economic benefits (Medium to long-term)
Infrastructure Breakout Group SummarY (From the summit report)
Breakout Group #1: Infrastructure
- Purpose: Discuss infrastructure ideas to keep pollution out of the Bay
- Objective: Identify specific and actionable goals to improve infrastructure design and maintenance to be implemented in the 10 year plan
- Activities: Brainstorm ideas and prioritize actions
- Deliverables (see below for a list of selected ideas): Short-term (<2 years), Medium-term (5 year), Long-term (10 year) goals
- Short-term: Enforce existing environmental laws, regular cleaning of storm drains, more renewable energy for all new infrastructure, education funding to teach eco-friendly lifestyles in school, parks should have water bottle refill stations, etc.
- Medium-term: Clean up existing nutrient “hotspots” by updating technology, ban plastic bags in all of Miami-Dade County, address canals as large sources of pollution, host public awareness campaigns about waste, increase regular water quality sampling, implement storm drain pollution technology, etc.
- Long-term: Eliminate septic tanks and connect to sewer, establish regional water quality goals and pollution reeducation targets, tax violators and polluters, develop recycling plant with capacity to process South Florida recyclables, do water treatment plant and commercial and residential upgrades to reduce pollution, etc.
Download the full report (above) for other breakout group summaries and additional details about the summit