After years of effective operation, we continue gathering feedback from engineers, customers and community members. Some of their feedback is included below.
“All of the debris stays out instead of going into the storm basin. Much easier to clean and remove from the surface instead of vac trucking it out. Our pilot program was successful and because of that we have put in place a two year program to install in the majority of our inlets.”
“It has not been necessary to clean the drains since the devices have been installed.”
“I was amazed at the results because of the way the water flows and the leaves and the debris do not block the filter.”
“The patented filters prevent debris such as leaves, trash, and other pollution from entering into the drainage system of stormwater. It is in the best interest of the city to purchase these filters from SOP Technologies. Staff have tested filters from two companies. The SOP product is much stronger and better built. They are comparable in price. No other comparable products exist to staffs knowledge after lengthy research.
City staff has currently installed SOP inlet filters over the past 2 years. The filters have been effective at keeping debris out as intended and have had no mechanical or corrosion issues to date. The first phase of filters was installed and has kept all cups and bottles from entering the system as well as allowing City street sweepers to go along the curb and collect debris that would usually go into the system.”
“The filter does what it is designed to do, all debris is collected at the inlet, keeping it out of the basin.”
“Very effective in blocking the debris, even as the leaves were forced against the filter with a pole. ”
“We have had improvements with regards to debris containment in this specific area. I was concerned in the beginning but the system in place is filtering out the water.”
“Visually we do see improvements as all of the debris are being kept at curbs edge.”
Live demo feedback from engineers: Did the filter effectively block these items from passing through, while allowing water to flow freely?