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Sharing environmental news, technology updates about our stormwater filters, and ways to prevent ocean pollution. 

Voice of the Oceans - Voz dos Oceanos Interview - 2022 (Portuguese)

Emilio Lopez


A Voz dos Oceanos entrevistou a SOP Technologies em 2022 em Miami, Flórida. Neste vídeo, falamos sobre nossos filtros de águas pluviais para bueiros e também nossos marcadores de bueiros de QR Code. Essas tecnologias ajudam a manter a poluição fora dos cursos d'água e também a educar e conectar com o público. As cidades usam essas tecnologias para evitar que o lixo nas ruas entre nos bueiros e seja descarregado em canais, rios e baías, e os QR codes ajudam os departamentos de Obras Públicas a monitorar seu trabalho e saber quais áreas produzem mais lixo.


Voice of the Oceans interviewed SOP Technologies in 2022 in Miami, FL. In this video, we talk about our Stormwater Filters for storm drains, and also our QR Code Storm Drain Markers. These technologies help to keep pollution out of waterways and also to educate and connect with the public. Cities use these technologies to prevent litter on the street from entering storm drains and discharging to canals, rivers and bays, and the QR codes help Public Works departments to keep track of their work and know what areas produce more trash.

Video em Português

North Bay Village Protecting Biscayne Bay with Stormwater BMPs - Stormwater Filters

Emilio Lopez

On February 15, 2024, reporter Chelsea Ambriz from NBC 6 South Florida featured North Bay Village's proactive measures to safeguard Biscayne Bay through the deployment of SOP Technologies Stormwater Inlet Screens/Filters and QR Code Storm Drain Markers, showcasing their commitment to environmental conservation.

Article link: Miami-based company designs new way to tackle pollution in North Bay Village

The patented Stormwater Filters are strategically being installed all over North Bay Village to effectively manage stormwater runoff. These innovative filters are accompanied by patented QR Code Storm Drain Markers positioned next to each screen. This thoughtful addition enables community members to conveniently capture and upload images of any issues they encounter, facilitating seamless communication with the Public Works department.

Biscayne Bay has faced persistent challenges related to stormwater pollution and water quality over the years. The situation escalated in August 2020 when the bay encountered a significant fish kill incident, prompting local residents to rally together in a demonstration of solidarity for protecting the Bay. This led to the organization of the March for the Bay in North Bay Village, aiming to raise awareness and promote conservation efforts. Subsequently, the village has implemented measures to tackle stormwater runoff with SOP Technologies, aiming to mitigate the harmful effects of plastics, litter, phosphorus, and nitrogen on the bay ecosystem.

City of Laurel, MD Implementing QR Code Storm Drain Markers and Stormwater Inlet Filters

Guest User

The City of Laurel, MD Public Works Department is implementing SOP Technologies’ Stormwater Filters and QR Code Storm Drain Markers city-wide. At the time of the video below (video by the City of Laurel), the city has had over 100 filters installed for over a year in various areas of the city.

This infrastructure improvement project is helping the city to keep debris and litter out of local rivers and Chesapeake Bay. For this project, SOP Technologies conducted 3D scans and measurements of existing infrastructure, technical designs and custom manufacturing in order to retrofit to existing storm drains and catch basins. Also, the website for the QR Code Storm Drain Markers has been upgraded with an online map for maintenance personnel to keep track of community reports and activities.

In the video below, the Public Works Department and Mayor are explaining how these stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) are helping the city to prevent floods, prevent stormwater pollution, improve storm drain maintenance, and enhance community engagement.

Learn more about stormwater filters

Learn more about QR Code Storm Drain Markers

QR Code Storm Drain Markers - SOP Technologies

Guest User

Florida and Maryland residents are using SOP Technologies Patent Pending QR Code Storm Drain Markers to easily upload photos and videos to report on stormwater pollution and illicit dumping. These reports help to protect Biscayne Bay, Chesapeake Bay and other waterways.

SOP Technologies Pat. Pending QR Code Storm Drain Markers.

Video Music: Fumblerooski Musician: LAB HITS-Felix Manzi

With the community reports, Public Works and Solid Waste departments identify pollution hotspots and can take quick action. Each QR Code is geotagged so city staff and contractors know where to go when someone uploads a photo.

Storm drain markers also help with public education and outreach efforts, which are requirements under MS4 NPDES permits. To order QR Code Storm Drain Markers, please contact us.