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Sharing environmental news, technology updates about our stormwater filters, and ways to prevent ocean pollution. 

Capturing Plastic Pellets, Nurdles at Plastics Manufacturing Facility

Guest User

To capture plastic pellets, also known as nurdles, SOP Technologies designed and implemented customized stormwater filters for a plastic manufacturing facility. This prevents the nurdles from leaving the facility and discharging to local waterways. Contact SOP Technologies for custom engineering solutions.

SOP Technologies Customized Screens


Video transcript

Plastic pellets, also called "nurdles", are used to manufacture the products we use everyday, but when they escape into the natural environment, they have devastating consequences. One plastics manufacturer didn’t want to allow their plastic pellets to escape their facility, so they contacted SOP Technologies.

In addition to ensuring plastics don’t leave the facility, the plant wanted to improve water drainage, prevent flooding during rain events, and reduce maintenance costs. SOP Technologies designed and implemented a modular and highly customizable set of stormwater screens. These were then placed at the various stormwater outfalls around the facility.

The new screens provide a greater area for water flow, a multi-step water filtration process, and reduce the maintenance frequency of stormwater systems. The facility has taken an important step to Stop Ocean Pollution.


Nurdle Patrol : Nurdle Patrol is a citizen science project run by the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Reserve) at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas. The Reserve brings together scientists, landowners, policy-makers, and the public to ensure that coastal management decisions benefit flora and fauna, water quality, and people.

This page from the University of Texas at Austin includes Microplastic & Nurdle Literature.

CBS This Morning - Plastic pellets known as nurdles are polluting our waterways

Mongabay - Plastic pellet pollution can end through coordinated efforts, report shows

Plastic Soup Foundation - Nieuwsuur TV item (English subtitles)

The Great Nurdle Hunt

NOAA Ocean Service

Video Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay:

ABC Local 10 News - City of Hallandale Beach Public Works City of Miami and SOP Technologies Storm Drain Filters

Emilio Lopez

South Florida cities utilizing high-tech screens to keep litter out of Biscayne Bay and local waterways

SOP Technologies in the news: ABC / WPLG Local 10 News in Miami

Reported by Louis Aguirre on July 20, 2022 (full story on Local 10 news)

They are working. I couldn’t be more excited about them. Our waterways have reduced the amount of trash and leaves and debris. Now that has dropped tremendously.
— Charles Casimir, the Assistant Director of Hallandale Beach’s Department of Public Works


The City of Miami has installed the first batch of high-tech storm inlet screens to help reduce all the street litter that’s polluting Biscayne Bay.

Miami is not the only South Florida city stepping up to try and fight the growing litter program with this new technology.

Stormwater Filter Baskets

Stormwater Curb Inlet Filters

Videos taken just last month by volunteers with clean a beach up show what the shores of Biscayne Bay look like every time the region experiences a heavy rain. Pounds and pounds of street litter, trash people throw on the street no matter where they are in Miami-Dade County, gets swept into storm drains that empty out into canals that outflow into the dying bay.

“The trash should never make it to the street in the first place, and I think it’s important to educate the public as much as we can,” Lopez said. “In the City of Miami, we started off with District Two, which is more than Downtown, Overtown area, with 195 (screens) that were installed.”

The City of Miami has ordered one thousands of the screens to help manage the enormous amount of street litter.

“We’re seeing some good things and bad things,” said Lopez. “We’re seeing an accumulation of trash in front of some of them, which is good because they’re doing their job. And then of course, a bad thing is that we’re seeing trash.”

That’s because people continue to litter, so South Florida cities now must spend tens of thousands of dollars because some people still haven’t learned how to use a trash can.

“The next step is really how do you address the root of the problem where you have a hotspot of trash? And those are things that might take a little longer to address,” said Lopez.

QR Code Storm Drain Markers

QR codes on plaques strategically placed on the sidewalk above each screen help residents learn about South Florida’s pollution problem, engaging them to be part of the solution by reporting when the screens become cluttered with litter.

“A picture tells 1000 words,” said Lopez. “They can easily upload a photo of what they’re seeing, and then that informs the city as to what it is that the people are seeing in a specific area.”

“What we designed that’s unique…is the upward flow of water through the screen,” said Lopez. “So instead of just having a flat piece of metal that has circles in it that actually clogs very quickly, this does not clog as quickly. It allows the city to have time to come by and they sweep the street, or in some cases, if they have to clean a little bit more they do.”

The screens also have a proven track record. Key West, South Miami and Aventura all use them, and Local 10 News was there when Hallandale Beach installed them last August.

Residents are also noticing the difference.

“They are good, people,” said Hallandale Beach resident Pini Dagan. “They are keeping the canal clean.”

Dagan pointed out a group of ducks, something that had not been seen before the screens were installed, meaning new wildlife was being attracted to the area.

It’s also saving the City of Hallandale Beach money by helping public works manage street litter more efficiently.

“Since we’ve implemented the storm water filters, just our street sweeper can clean up all of the debris, all of the trash that was in the road,” said Casimir. “This way we can allocate the other workers and others parts throughout the city to maintain our other waterways.”

Lopez is hoping more coastal cities in South Florida will also follow suit.

“That’s how you really drive action,” he said. “Everybody has a huge ability to make an impact.”

Engaging your community to help address stormwater pollution issues - APWA Tampa Expo 2022

Emilio Lopez

On April 20, 2022 at the American Public Works Association - APWA Tampa Expo, SOP Technologies presented alongside environmental nonprofits on the topic of “Engaging your community to help address stormwater pollution issues.” This page contains presentation slides and resources for Public Works and Stormwater professionals that would like to better engage with their community and environmental organizations in their area.

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SOP Technologies Stormwater Filters and QR Code Drain Markers

Inlet Protection for Ultra Music Festival 2022

Emilio Lopez

As a part of their sustainability efforts, Ultra Music Festival in Miami sought to implement temporary inlet protection for storm drains in the festival grounds in Bayfront Park. For the festival in March 2022, SOP Technologies is providing geotextile fabrics to place under storm drain grates and filter “socks” to prevent litter from entering storm drains during the festival. SOP Technologies works with Public Works departments such as the City of Miami, Monroe County, and City of Aventura.

While the measures taken will prevent litter from entering the drainage system and discharging to Biscayne Bay, Ultra encourages all festival-goers to reduce waste by eliminating their use of single-use products, and to dispose of trash in appropriate trash receptacles.

photos of geotextile fabric under grates

The map below shows blue pins for each location that has an inlet protection installed. Click on a pin below to see a photo of the installed inlet protection.

Learn more about SOP Technologies

SOP Technologies provides cities and businesses with solutions to prevent stormwater pollution. The company’s patented stormwater curb filters, filter baskets and catch basin filters are a permanent solution for protecting waterways.

SOP Technologies Stormwater Filters

SOP Technologies Stormwater Filter Baskets