Capturing Plastic Pellets, Nurdles at Plastics Manufacturing Facility
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To capture plastic pellets, also known as nurdles, SOP Technologies designed and implemented customized stormwater filters for a plastic manufacturing facility. This prevents the nurdles from leaving the facility and discharging to local waterways. Contact SOP Technologies for custom engineering solutions.
SOP Technologies Customized Screens
Video transcript

Plastic pellets, also called "nurdles", are used to manufacture the products we use everyday, but when they escape into the natural environment, they have devastating consequences. One plastics manufacturer didn’t want to allow their plastic pellets to escape their facility, so they contacted SOP Technologies.
In addition to ensuring plastics don’t leave the facility, the plant wanted to improve water drainage, prevent flooding during rain events, and reduce maintenance costs. SOP Technologies designed and implemented a modular and highly customizable set of stormwater screens. These were then placed at the various stormwater outfalls around the facility.
The new screens provide a greater area for water flow, a multi-step water filtration process, and reduce the maintenance frequency of stormwater systems. The facility has taken an important step to Stop Ocean Pollution.
Nurdle Patrol : Nurdle Patrol is a citizen science project run by the Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve (Reserve) at the University of Texas Marine Science Institute in Port Aransas, Texas. The Reserve brings together scientists, landowners, policy-makers, and the public to ensure that coastal management decisions benefit flora and fauna, water quality, and people.
This page from the University of Texas at Austin includes Microplastic & Nurdle Literature.
CBS This Morning - Plastic pellets known as nurdles are polluting our waterways
Mongabay - Plastic pellet pollution can end through coordinated efforts, report shows
Plastic Soup Foundation - Nieuwsuur TV item (English subtitles)
The Great Nurdle Hunt
NOAA Ocean Service
Video Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay: