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Phone: +1-305-792-8778

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1801 Coral Way, Suite 315
Miami, FL 33145
United States


Installation Resources

SOP Technologies Measurements and Installation Resources

SOP Technologies products are easy to implement, and these resources provide examples of typical installations. For customized products, we provide additional documentation, videos and resources. Our storm drain inlet filters / screens are an EPA recommended Stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) to prevent debris such as leaves (nutrients), plastics, straws, cigarette butts and other objects from entering storm drains and discharging to local waterways.

Curb Inlet Screens / Filters Measurements and Installations

SOP Patented Stormwater Curb Inlet Filters are installed about 0.5” inside the curb opening to prevent car tires from hitting the filter. For manufacturing, we want to measure the height and length inside the curb opening.

Curb Inlet height and length

SOP Technologies Curb Filters Installation Videos

After installing curb filters, they are kept clean with standard street sweeping maintenance.

SOP Technologies Stormwater Curb Inlet Filter

SOP Technologies Storm Drain Markers with QR Codes

The SOP Technologies Community Stormwater Watch Program uses Patent Pending storm drain markers with QR codes provide community members with the ability to scan the code, learn more about stormwater pollution, and upload photos and other information via an easy-to-use website. Applying the storm drain marker is easy and can be done with local volunteers for a public outreach / community engagement activity.



SOP Technologies Patented Stormwater Filter Baskets are placed underneath grates, and are easy to clean by either lifting and shaking out the contents of the basket or using vacuums that are attached to street sweeping trucks. For measuring your drains to implement our stormwater filter baskets, please contact us.