Where is Away - Short film about Stormwater pollution and solutions
Emilio Lopez
University of Miami students created the short film in order to highlight the issues caused by stormwater pollution, and share ways to address those issues with stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs), outreach activities and volunteer beach cleanups. The film is titled "Where is Away", and was created by: Kat Beaulieu, Rebecca Kravetz, and Adam Roberti
Featured on this video, in order of appearance, are:
Dave Doebler and Dara Shoenwald, from VolunteerCleanup.org https://www.volunteercleanup.org/
Trent Seale, from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection https://floridadep.gov/
Eric Cartaya, from Diver's Paradise https://www.keydivers.com/
Jacqueline Touzet, from Touzet Studio http://www.touzetstudio.com/
Emilio Lopez, from SOP Technologies https://www.soptechint.com