A few more hours to help protect the environment in 2014...
Emilio Lopez
Several nonprofits work tirelessly to stop ocean pollution and protect our water resources. If you're looking to support these efforts, consider donating to one of these organizations:
The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the United States, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation was founded in 1967 to protect this vital natural, and economic, resource. CBF Mission
According to their site, donate by December 31st, and your gift will be matched, dollar-for-dollar! Make a Donation
The Environmental Coalition of Miami & the Beaches operates in the Miami-Dade County area, and provides a variety of programs to protect the local beaches and waterways. These efforts include litter prevention programs, screening of environmental documentaries, and recycling programs. ECOMB Mission Make a Donation
The 5 Gyres Institute aims to eliminate plastic pollution. That's a major task, especially because of the amount of stormwater pollution that constantly flows into our waterways. 5 Gyres Mission
"Around the world, plastic pollution has become a growing plague, clogging our waterways, damaging marine ecosystems, and entering the marine food web. Much of the plastic trash we generate on land flows into our oceans through storm drains and watersheds. It falls from garbage and container trucks, spills out of trashcans, or is tossed carelessly." 5gyres.org
Consider Making a Donation to support 5 Gyres in their efforts to eliminate plastic pollution.
Plasticized is a documentary highlighting plastic pollution in our oceans.
The Surfrider Foundation has a simple mission, "to protect and enjoy our oceans, waves and beaches." Surfrider Foundation Mission
With more than 250,000 supporters, and 84 chapters around the world, the organization has a global impact. Making a Donation can help continue their efforts.
There are many, many more nonprofits that help prevent and remove pollution from our oceans and waterways. If you would like us to mention other organizations in future blog posts, please let us know.
Stop Ocean Pollution is not affiliated with any of these organizations, but we figured it would be helpful to share some information about them.
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