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Sharing environmental news, technology updates about our stormwater filters, and ways to prevent ocean pollution. 

Filtering by Tag: fish kills

Addressing Fish Kills in Biscayne Bay Florida

Emilio Lopez

To address the problem of fish kills / die offs caused by low dissolved oxygen in Biscayne Bay, SOP Technologies has partnered with companies that provide solutions to oxygenate water. Please contact us to learn more, ask questions, and support the rapid implementation of water oxygenation solutions. Technologies to increase oxygen levels in waterways are available for implementation in Miami-Dade County, and we are here to help.

Oxygenating water with nano bubbles

Video from webinar on August 15, 2020

Environmental Compliance Equipment provides mobile units to oxygenate water with nano bubbles. From their website: “Nano bubbles have a diameter of less than 50 microns and unique physical characteristics that differ from other types of bubbles. They are too small to rise up through liquid and get compressed by negative ions at the gas-liquid interface so they don’t combine to form larger bubbles. This means they remain in the liquid for a long time. They eventually shrink leaving their entire gas load in the liquid. 

  • Increased levels of Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

  • Reduction in Biological Oxygen Demand and Chemical Oxygen Demand

  • Eradication of fish kills that have historically occurred annually

  • Eliminates Hydrogen sulfide thus preventing of unpleasant odors

  • Water clarity increases allowing sunlight to penetrate to water

  • Aquatic life returns

  • Pond and sea bottoms restored, sediment and sludge cleaned over time
    for healthier return of different aquaculture species

  • In application where sludge are present volume of sludge is reduced”

download cASE studies and technical documents

Map of recent fish kills (Source: Miami Waterkeeper)